The Institute is situated in the heart of Bhopal, on a beautiful plateau. Maulana Azad National Institute
of Technology (MANIT), Bhopal, India is an institution of national importance. At present there are 210
faculty members, 500 staff members and 5400 UG, PG and PhD students. Institute has 15 departments, 2
centers offering 9 UG, 31 PG programs and PhD in all the departments. The Institute is successfully
meeting the objectives of producing skilled manpower of the highest quality to cope up with challenges of
ever evolving industrial needs of the country.
Department of Chemical Engineering was established in the year 2007 and the M.Tech programme was started
in the year 2012.The Department is highly dedicated to the advancement of education and research to
produce competent professionals in the Chemical Engineering. The department offers B.Tech on Chemical
Engineering, M.Tech on Chemical Process Design and PhD degree. The current intake capacity of the
department for B.Tech is 76 and for M.Tech is 18. The department has the facilities of different
sophisticated instruments like UV-Vis Spectroscopy, Gas Chromatography, Mass Spectrometry,FTIR, Advance
Microwave. High Performance Liquid Chromatography, High Pressure Continuous reactor, Atomic Absorption
Spectroscopy etc. The Broad area of the current research focus of the department includes Catalysis, Multi
Phase Reaction, Water Splitting, Nanomaterials, Nano Composites, Biofuels, etc. Apart from the regular
courses the department also conducts workshops, training programmes and conferences in both the national
and international level To provide best technical skills .